
Despite the context of digital revolution we live in, it is not always easy, especially for young people, to connect and interact seriously and productively with a network of people who, at different levels, can be valuable for realizing their entrepreneurial idea or creative project.

The networks that the Creasys Youth Foundation focuses on are composed of:

  • professional companies and organizations that can offer know-how and technical-operational support to “our” talented young people;
  • young people who belong to two main macro-groups:
  1. «Ready to start»: Young people with skills useful/complementary to the realization of the project presented by the young creator who has approached the CYF.
  2. «Ready to plan»: Young people who are finishing their studies or entering the job market, or who have developed original proposals for new entrepreneurship that can benefit from sharing the experience of a young creative who has approached our Foundation.

The networks curated by the Foundation are created according to the specifics of each project proposal or activity that the Foundation invests its energy and resources in.

Building qualified networks is a process based not only on the search for and activation of relationships, but also and above all on the principle of collaboration and of the sharing of intentions and goals.

For this reason, whether you are an independent professional, represent an organization or entrepreneurial entity or you are a young person looking to join a network of professional and personal development dedicated to talents aged 18 to 30, don’t hesitate to contact us to get to know us better and explore how we can collaborate.

The most exciting achievements are made together!